Monday, March 8, 2010

The Dreaded Appointment...... Sorry Drew

March 8, 2010
Today Drew had his circumcision appointment. We got hi dressed and put him in his car seat for another outing. I hope he doesn't remember this day.

After we arrived we didn’t have to wait long before they took us back to the exam room. We had them take all of his measurements before they started the procedure. Since Drew’s due date is in two days, March 10th, this will be a good representation of what he would have been if he had stayed in. Drew is now 6 lbs 12 oz (23%) almost 3 lbs more than when he was born, 20.25 inches long (78%), and has a head circumference of 36.1 cm (81%). All of his percentiles are based on preterm data. I think he would have weighed even more if he had made it to term and Michelle’s placenta hadn’t lost function. Either way he has done a good job at growing. Our doctor came in and talked to us about the procedure and asked if we had any questions. It was pretty straight forward. Michelle originally wanted to send me in solo to be there for Drew, but in the end she thought she could handle it and we headed to another room for the deed.

The procedure was slightly different than we thought it would be from the description, but Drew handled it like a man. It could have been the sugar water that Michelle was giving him, or the local anesthetic that helped, but I was impressed either way. Once we got back into the exam room it was time to get his Synagis shot. Synagis is a shot to help reduce the chances of acquiring RSV as well as lessening its affects on a child is acquired. Since Drew was premature, but born after 33 weeks the NICU didn’t give him any shots. Our doctor thought it would be beneficial to see if our insurance would cover it and give it to him. Our insurance finally approved a one time dose and a girl came in to administer it. This is when he cried. As soon as she stuck him he turned all red/purple and cried like I had never seen before. After a minute or so Michelle cradled him and he stopped and began to get tired. After a few minutes of waiting to see if he had any reaction to the shot we were able to go.

We set up his next appointment for the 24th of this month. It will be his two month check-up and vaccinations. From this recent experience I don’t think he will like it. Michelle and I enjoyed eating at East Coast Subs located next to the hospital while Drew slept in the car seat. After a quick trip home to feed Drew, we went to finally get our tires replaced on the CR-V. It has taken over two weeks, but we are glad that Honda got their act together and did what we wanted and what they should have done a long time ago. We enjoyed a nice visit from Kim and Stephanie, Mark and Matt’s wives, this evening and have spent the rest of the evening catching up on the blog. Michelle and Drew are asleep now and I am finally caught up with our blog. I hope I haven't board you all over the past week.


Nicole said...

He's getting so big! Kyler screamed and screamed AFTER his circumcision....he did fine during, but then they wanted to dress him! Forget that, Kyler has ALWAYS preferred no clothes!
Keep the photos and updates coming!

Aubrey said...

I should have guessed the weight before Ben. He stole my guess. Can't believe how big he's getting.