Thursday, June 2, 2011

Calming the Beast Down

Michelle and I have been waiting patiently for Drew to grow a nice thick head of hair like his father, but I think we'll have to wait a while on that one.  Although it isn't thick it has been getting longer and a bit crazy.  His hair is really light and thin and gets all wire crazy like in the back any time his head leans against something.  Michelle has wanted to get his hair trimmed for that last few weeks, but we hadn't managed to get it done until now.  I took Drew over to Grandma and Grandpa Woolley's house after picking him up from the babysitter's house.  Carol was staying the night at their house and offered to bring up her hair clippers so she could cut his hair.  Here are a few pictures of him before he got it cut.

Grandma Woolley found an old hand towel to wrap around his neck and back.  He looked so cute as he waited for the process to begin.  I held him in my lap and did the best I could of taking some pictures and a few videos of the experience.

Drew did a great job of sitting still for most of the time.  He would give some smiles every once in a while at the vibration of the electric clippers, but other times he kind of had this look of "what are you doing to me?"

The finished product left us with one good looking boy.  Again his hair is so light that these pictures don't do it justice.  Believe me, the haircut made a difference if you have ever seen his hair in person.

Thanks Carol for giving him his first haircut.  Maybe next time I will venture out of just cutting my own hair and give Drew's hair a try.  The worst thing that could happen is a mess up and we just have to shave his head.  Either way he would still be the cutest kid alive.


Christin said...

So handsome!

Nettie Martin said...

I love this.
I love his haircut (You know how long I've been bugging y'all to do it)
I love watching him in the video.