Monday, January 24, 2011

One Year Older and Wiser Too, Happy Birthday to Drew!!!!

Where has the time gone?  This past week Michelle and I have been talking about the different events that led to Drew’s birth.  The past year has been full of stress and plenty of adventure, but mostly of happiness and joy.  It is amazing how time flies, but especially how much a child can change your life.  We are amazed every day at the progress Drew has made.  He no longer looks like the small little baby he was, but more like a little boy.  
He has made a lot of progress over the year and even more in the last few days before his birthday.  He has been army crawling for the last few months, but he has just started to crawl on his hands and knees.  He doesn’t do it all the time, but it is now about 50% of the time.

He also loves to cruise the furniture and has gotten good at going from one couch to another and then to an end table then to a chair and then his jumper.  He also pulled himself up to stand for the first time on his big day.

He has started whole milk without any problems and he has been using a sippy cup during the day (because his Dad makes him) and only having a bottle at night (because Mom doesn’t want to deal with it). He is still a very well behaved kid and we couldn’t tell you the number of times people wish they had a kid like him.  He starts out shy when he first meets people, but with time he opens up and loves to do his fake laugh and smile.  We love how when he sees us he gets all excited and the best is when his mom comes home from work and if she doesn’t come right away to pick him up he starts to get upset.  
To celebrate his birthday we had a little party on Sunday with Grandma and Grandpa Woolley, Nana, Glenn (Carol is in California with a new grandchild), Nettie, Brett, Bracken, Tina and Ben, Chelsea and Darren, Rachael and Steve, and my Brother Scott’s fiancée, Megan.
It wasn’t a huge group, but it was a fun one.  We had soup and bread sticks for dinner and then had peanut butter bars and cake for dessert.  Before the cake we opened up Drew’s presents.  He still hasn’t gotten the hang of it, but he did much better than Christmas.  I think Bracken enjoyed opening them more than Drew.  He got so many great gifts.
Michelle made a nice little cake for Drew, but without a candle.  We were interested to see how Drew would respond to the cake, but after singing him Happy Birthday he didn’t have any trouble digging in.  

The party turned out to be a good one and we thank Grandma and Grandpa Woolley for the use of their house once again.  His first year has been a good one and we are so proud of him and can’t wait to see what progress he makes in the next year of his life.  He has his one year appointment on Wednesday and we can’t wait to see if he has grown any in the last three months.  We will let you know more then.


Nettie Martin said...

I still think he liked my present best :)

Christin said...

Happy Birthday Drew! WE LOVE YOU!