Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Drew 15 Months and Starts to Walk

Drew had his 15 month appointment today and passed with flying colors as usual.  He was doing OK until he got his shots and then he cried for a little while.  He is beginning to be a big boy and we are proud of his progress.  Here are his 15 month stats:

Weight: 23lbs 12oz (39%)
Height: 31.6 in (66%)
Head: 49.25 cm (94%)

Most people find it hard to believe that he was early at all and even more that he was so small.  He has been learning so much in these last few weeks that we are amazed at how smart he is becoming.  He is learning body parts and a few signs.  We love to ask him to blink and show us his belly button.

In even bigger news he has started to walk.  It is still not 100%, but it is quite a bit.  He has been taking one or two steps here and there, but last night while Chelsea and Darren were watching him he was walking across the room and while we were at the hospital for his appointment this morning he was walking all over the place.  He still can't go from sitting on the ground to standing, but if he can pull himself up he will go for it.  He loves to walk with his walker then let go, go across the room, and then go to the piano.  We took him outside this afternoon and let him walk down the sidewalk.

He is so darn cute and we can't get enough of him.  We can't wait to see what he learns in the next few months before his 18 month appointment.  Lucky for him he won't have to get any shots.  He's growing up fast and before we know it he will be in Nursery.  Crazy!

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