Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas With the Martins

It was once again our turn to spend Christmas with Michelle's family.  Everyone, but Jill and Brian, and Cameron and Rachel were able to make it this year.  Grandma and Grandpa Woolley also came down to Orem for Christmas Eve. 
We had a lovely dinner and then heard a wonderful Christmas message by Carol.  We ended up skyping with Cameron and Rachel so they could hear the message.  After the message we all sat around and talked while the kids played.   
We then had our traditional Christmas games.  The first was pin the nose (gum) on Rudolph.  The one where you get to chew your own piece of gum and then try and play a pin the tail on the donkey type of game.
Then Carol pulled out a homemade piñata she made with her cub scouts that looked like Santa Clause.  It was the perfect thing to do.  Try and break open Santa’s head to celebrate Christmas.   
The children started first and then the girls.  Unfortunately Nettie hit the jack pot and cracked his head open first before the guys got a turn.   
We all raced to get the candy after we gave the kids a few moments themselves.  We took a quick picture and then headed back inside to enjoy the warmth and continue to chat it up.   
Before going to bed we all open up the gifts given to us in the sibling exchange.  This year Russell and Nicole had us.  I got a gift certificate to use on iTunes and Michelle got one of her favorite gifts, a red lifeguard sweatshirt.  She was so excited when she opened it.  
They did a good job.  After one last look at all of the presents under the tree we got a good night’s sleep.
On Christmas morning before we opened up all of our presents we put together one of Drew’s so he had something to play with.  It was a little walker that turned into a little car. 
Since he was getting tired we put him to bed while we finished opening all of our presents.  Michelle’s parents like to give us a check for Christmas and ask that we buy gifts with it, wrap them, and then put them under the tree so they are surprised.   
After Drew woke up from his nap we let him open his presents or at least try and open them himself.  We can’t wait till he knows what is going on and will get excited.   
We lounged around for a while and got ready for the day before we went to visit Nana and Grandpa Bill at their house in Murray. 
We then went to Grandma and Grandpa Woolley’s house to visit with them and get together with our other cousins and also visit with Uncle Dan’s family who was in town for the holidays. 
The day went by with a flash and can’t believe it is over.    The New Year will be here before we know it.  Where did the time go?


Nettie Martin said...

And Michelle accused me of taking the candy from the pinata? Love the recap!

Jill said...

I so missed ya'll this year. These pics just about killed me. And to think we had the week off to surprise ya'll and then, at the worst time, I get pregnant! Oh well, maybe in 2 years.