Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Drew got Shot....................ssssssss, OUCH!!!

Drew hit two months today (two weeks according to actual due date) and had the unpleasant experience of getting his first round of immunizations. I wasn't able to be at the doctor's appointment, but Michelle said he definitely turned purple when he got them. When I saw him after his appointment he was just sleeping. All that crying must have made him tired.

Drew's stats are usually graded on an adjusted scale to account for his prematurity, but today he made it onto the normal chart. Drew has been gaining weight at a constant ounce and a half a day and is now over twice his birth weight at 8 lbs 4 oz (1%). He is almost 4 inches taller at 21 in (2%), and his head is getting larger, because his brain is getting so big, at 37.6 cm (7%). Besides all of his growing, and probably most important, he is now off of his oxygen and has been for the last week. It is amazing how much easier it is to move and take him places without it. We are so proud of his progress and hope he continues to do well.


Aubrey said...

Yay for no oxygen! Can't wait for my next babysitting with no cords.

Anonymous said...

Yay for getting off oxygen! He is getting so big. And is so darn cute!

MoDLin said...

No more oxygen - Now that's really something to celebrate! Glad to hear is growing like a weed and doing so well.

Nettie Martin said...

1% on weight. . . tisk tisk. He has Martin blood in him. . . it'll be up by the next visit- I PROMISE!