The second arrival was a quarter of a cow. You may be wondering how we got only a quarter of a cow. Easy, all you have to do is raise it, kill it, and then cut it into quarters. OK, we didn't do any of that ourselves, but our friend Jed's family did. A few weeks ago Shan and Jed offered us a deal on half a cow, not an actual half a cow, but half a cow cut up into smaller pieces. Being the meet lovers that we are we said sure. Jed's family has a farm and we knew that the beef would be some good stuff. After a little thinking we thought half a cow would be too much for just the two of us so we settled for just a quarter. In the end we ended up with close to 200 lbs. of pure beef which included hamburger, roasts, ribs, steaks, and other cuts of beef. Now for a second you might have wondered where we would put a quarter of a cow, but then you remember that we just bought a new freezer (you should by now realize the true reason for buying a freezer). We are truly happy about this addition and tonight we are going to enjoy a huge T-bone steak for dinner. We'll let you know how divine it is.
For the last year and almost a half we've been taking advantage of having Michelle's grandparents living next door by using space in their garage freezer. It has been nice because Michelle likes to buy me frozen meals for my lunches when I work. She only buys then when they are on sale, so when they are she buys a lot. We have appreciated the grandparent's rent free food storage, but we've decided it time to become adults and store it ourselves.
Now for the final arrival...... Baby Bracken Carl Valdez son of Brett and Dyana Valdez. Michelle's sister Dyana gave birth to their first child just minutes after getting to the hospital. I will let them share the details, but we are excited for the both of them and think Bracken is just the cutest baby ever. We can wait to get one of our own in March, but that is so far away. For now we will just be content with finding out the sex of our baby this Wednesday. Keep your eyes out for a post later that day.
I am jealous about the freezer. one of these days we will get one. Excited to find out the sex of your baby.
"'s what's for dinner." I have a feeling you guys are going to be saying that A LOT in the next few months! : ) You guys are so great! Congrats to Brett and Dy!
I'll buy some next time!
summer says: you really need to update your blog. their is some really old stuff. just saying
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